Getting Started with PROCESIO

We know from our life experiences that even the most helpful tool could be left unused if we do not know how to use it properly or it takes too much time to learn it, and we do not want this to be the case with our tool.

In this "getting started video", you will learn fast and easy how to use PROCESIO to integrate applications and process data.

You could only watch the video, or you could also build along. We recommend the second option as nothing can replace a hands-on experience.
To build and run the demo process, you only need a free PROCESIO account that you can obtain in a minute. Go on, push the "create account" button and follow the process.

After you receive the credentials, log in, and you are ready to use it.

Now let's see what we are going to do.

We are going to design a process that will get some data from a application and insert it into a report. We picked this scenario because the building principle behind it applies to a lot of real-world use cases. The process is the same whether we get data from a website and add it to a file or integrate Salesforce with Hubspot.

Let's get started.
We log in, and we are directed to the Dashboard.
The navigation panel that contains PROCESIO's main components is on the left-hand side of the screen.

We will use only "Process Designer" and "Document Designer" in this video.
With "Process Designer", we create, modify and run processes. The "Document Designer" component is used when we want to develop file-based reports.

To create our process, we need to go to the "Process Designer" home page and push the "Create New" button; a new process workspace opens.
There are several essential functionalities in this space.

We can see the platform-defined actions on the left side of the workspace.

On top of the workspace, we have the process name.
On the right side, there are "Save", "Validate", and "Run" buttons, and, essential, the controls for "Variables" and the "Error messages" windows.

Now let's design our demo workflow.
As mentioned earlier, we want to connect to the application, get the temperature for a specific city, and add it to a document.

So, first, we drag and drop a "Call API" action on the workspace. The "Call API" action allows us to connect and request the information we want.

Then, we add a "JSON mapper" object to our workspace, allowing us only to get what we need from the answer we get from The final step is to add the information into a report, so we drag and drop a "Generate Document" object on our digital canvas.

The last thing, we establish the flow direction and the order of execution by connecting with arrows the actions we added to the workspace.

And that's it! Our first process design! Now we push the save button on top to make sure our work is safe.

To go back to the "Process Designer" home page, we push the "Back button" on the top left side corner of the screen.

As a next step, we need to configure the objects we added in our process, but before that, I would like to clarify some terminology we used for those new to the application integration domain.
I'm referring to API and JSON.
API stands for application programming interface and is a set of functions that allows applications we build to access data and interact with external software components. In our demo case, PROCESIO app with application. If you are unfamiliar with APIs, don't worry, they are well documented in general; for this demo, just copy what we do.
JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and is a text format for storing and transporting data. It is "self-describing" and easy to understand. We will show you an example further in the demo.

Now let's get back to our process and configure the "Call API" action.
You probably observe now that the rest of the objects are not visible in the workspace. The reason is simple. There are multiple ways to build a process, and when we recorded this demo, we configured each object after adding it to the workspace. It was faster like this for us. We edited the recording and modified the flow as we think that in most cases, it is more practical to start with the process flow first, to have the "big picture", and do the configuration after.
No matter the approach, the result will be the same.

Call API action requires a connection to a data source ( in our case) and a request for data.
Click on "Select API configuration".
As you can see, there is no API configured yet, so click on "Create credential".
On the "Credential Manager" window, click on the "Create new" button.
Add the "credential name" in the new window and click "Next". Now add the "URL", the "Test endpoint", the API key and the value.
Check the "Query parameters" box and uncheck "Header".
Again, if you are new to APIs, don't worry. Everything we added here is available in the API documentation. If you want to connect to other applications, like Hubspot for example, just check Hubspot API documentation.
Now click on the "Test connection" button.
The connection works, so we save it.
We can see it in the "Credentials Manager" window, and it was also added in the "Select API configuration" field.
We close the "Credential Manager" window and click on "Configure Request".
We select the "Verb", add the "Endpoint", "method name", and the "Key" we've got from the documentation.
In the "Value" field, we should add the name of the city, but because we want to showcase more PROCESIO's capabilities, we decided not to "hardcode" the city name in the process but to ask for it every time we run the process.
To do that, we need to add a variable in this field.
As no variable was defined yet, we need to create one by clicking on the "plus" sign.
On the new window, we add the "Name" of the variable and the "Type". In this case, it is "String".
Because we want to add the city name when the process runs, we set it as an input variable.
Click on "Create variable", and that's it.
Next, we need to set up the "Body Output" field. Here we add the variable that will store the answer we receive from
We click on the "plus" button, and on the new window, we fill in the "Name" and the "Type". In this case, we select the "JSON" type. Because we want you to see the data and how a JSON file looks like we set it as an "Output" variable.
Next, click on "Create Variable".

We finish configuring the "Call API" action.
Before moving to the next object, let's test it. We click again on "Configure Request" and then on "Test Action". Add "London" as a test value and click on the "Test action" button. In the "Body output", we can see the response from
But we do not need all that information. For our report, we just need the temperature in degrees Celsius.
So it is time to set up the JSON Mapper object in our process to extract the data we need.
We select the "JSON Mapper" object, and the "Configuration Tab" opens. First, we need to select the "Input Json" field and choose the variable we created earlier to store the answer. Then, in the "Query" field, we add the property we are looking for the current temperature in degrees Celsius. As we need to store the value of that property, we create another variable for the "Result field".
In the "Create Variable" window, we add the "Name" and select "Float" as "Type". Clicking on "Create Variable", we finished the "Json Mapper" object setup.

Next, we must configure the "Generate Document" object and action.
First, we need to fill in the "select document template" in the "Generate Document" tab; because we do not have a template yet, it's time to create one.
We save again our process and click on the "Back" button.
Then, on the main menu, we click on "Document Designer", and on the "Document Designer's" main page, we push "Create new document". We give it a name, and, for showcase purposes, we import an image to make it look better.
In this document, we want to show the temperature forecasted by for the city we provide in the request. For this, we need to create two variables to store those values. Click on the "plus" button next to the "Format menu". Add the name of the variable, "city", in this case, and select "Type" "String". Click on the "Create Variable" button. We repeat the steps to create the second variable. We named it "temp", and the "Type" is "Float".
After we play a bit more with the format, it is time to use those variables and select them from the list on the left side.

We save the "Document template" and go back to "Process Designer". We open our process to finish the configuration for the "Generate Document" action.
We add the created template in the "Select document template" field. Then we provide a name to our file. Because we want to keep and see the file after we run the process, we create a new variable for the "Document output" filed. We fill in the "Name", select "Type" File, set it as "Output", and click "Create Variable".
The last step is to map "Process variables" to "Document variables".
Click on Map Document data.
Map "Process Variable” "cityName" to "Document Variable” "city" and "temperature" to "temp". We close the Mapping Window, and that's it. We finished configuring our process. It is time to run it.
First, we save and validate it. After we push the "Run" button, a "pop-up" window opens. We need to provide the name of the city. We add the name of the city and click "Run".

On the "Process completed" window, we click "Check instances".
We can see that all actions run successfully, and under "Instance Details", we see the input and output variables.
We can download them if we want. Let's see what our report looks like.
There are 25 degrees Celsius in Barcelona today.
This means that I would like to be in Barcelona and also that we successfully ran our first integration process using PROCESIO.

Thank you for watching, and if you want to learn more, starting with simple automation to building your own customized actions, check the other resources available on PROCESIO's website.